If you follow me on Instagram you might have noticed this at the end of each photo description: #liketkit liketk.it/Snac @liketkit
These are generated through a program called LIKEtoKNOW:IT that allows you to shop my Instagram straight from your email inbox. You’ll never have to ask the question “Where did you get that?” Signing up with LIKEtoKNOW:IT is simple:
STEP 1. Submit your email to register on LIKEtoKNOW:IT’s website.
STEP 2. ‘LIKE’ Instagram photos that include this verbiage: “#liketkit liketk.it/Snac @liketkit”
[The URL will be different for every photo generated through LIKEtoKNOW:IT]
STEP 3. Open your email to view all the ready-to-shop product links!!
So, I know exactly what your first thought is: “I already get enough emails! I don’t need anymore cluttering my inbox!” I get it. For this very reason, the programmers that built LIKEtoKNOW:IT set up a way for you to choose how often you receive the emails. Personally, I love to get the emails immediately after I ‘LIKE’ the photo on Instagram that I want to shop, so I have mine set to come to me ‘ASAP’ and then I just throw all the emails into a “SHOP” folder to read at my convenience. However, in your settings, you can also choose ‘Daily’ or ‘Weekly’ depending on your personal preference. If you’re a more visual person,then this video is just for you! It goes step-by-step through the LIKEtoKNOW:ITsign-up process:
Okay, so … why do I use LIKEtoKNOW:IT?
| It’s the easiest and most efficient way for me to answer your questions |
Say you want to know where my top is from in this photo, so you comment: “Where is the top from?” Well, when I posted that photo, I was hurrying into a restaurant to grab dinner with a friend. I see your comment before I sit down, and quickly reply with: “Nordstrom”. And, you’re like …. ‘Okay, perfect, the hunt is on!’ You really want this top. Well, you’re 15 minutes into the search on Nordstrom’s website, and you begin to get really frustrated when you click on page 32 of the Women’s Department Tops and you STILL CAN’T FIND IT. When what I meant to tell you was the it was from the JUNIOR’S DEPARTMENT or that it was from Nordstrom a year ago and they no longer carry that exact style. Normally when I post something that is old or sold out, I do the research myself to find at least one similar item and then include that link on LIKEtoKNOW:IT so you don’t have to spend more than 30 seconds finding that exact top or at least a similar version!
So, be sure to sign up so you can always shop the looks you love straight from your email inbox via LIKEtoKNOW:IT! Thanks so much for reading my dears, and be sure to catch up on & shop my Instagram feed below at the very bottom of my blog page. And let me know if you have any problems or questions about any of this!
How do I get my own url ?